Actor Shreyas Talpade tries to get into the charachter at the premiere of the Hollywood movie 'Hansel & Gretel 3D', held at PVR Cinema in Mumbai on January 30, 2013. (Pic: Viral Bhayani)
Smiling babe Nushrat Bharucha during the premiere of the Hollywood movie 'Hansel & Gretel 3D', held at PVR Cinema in Mumbai on January 30, 2013. (Pic: Viral Bhayani)
Adah Sharma shows her muscle power during the premiere of the Hollywood movie 'Hansel & Gretel 3D', held at PVR Cinema in Mumbai on January 30, 2013. (Pic: Viral Bhayani)
'Same to same', brothers Raghu Ram and Rajiv Laxman caught together at the premiere of the Hollywood movie 'Hansel & Gretel 3D', held at PVR Cinema in Mumbai on January 30, 2013. (Pic: Viral Bhayani)
Shreyas Talpade enjoys the media attention during the premiere of the Hollywood movie 'Hansel & Gretel 3D', held at PVR Cinema in Mumbai on January 30, 2013. (Pic: Viral Bhayani)
Ranvijay Singh with Raghu Ram try to do a 'Harry Potter' at the premiere of the Hollywood movie 'Hansel & Gretel 3D', held at PVR Cinema in Mumbai on January 30, 2013. (Pic: Viral Bhayani)
B'wood's frest talent Nushrat Bharucha at the premiere of the Hollywood movie 'Hansel & Gretel 3D', held at PVR Cinema in Mumbai on January 30, 2013. (Pic: Viral Bhayani)
'Uddan' actor Rajat Barmecha spotted during the premiere of the Hollywood movie 'Hansel & Gretel 3D', held at PVR Cinema in Mumbai on January 30, 2013. (Pic: Viral Bhayani)
Actor Shreyas Talpade spotted with a broad smile during the premiere of the Hollywood movie 'Hansel & Gretel 3D', held at PVR Cinema in Mumbai on January 30, 2013. (Pic: Viral Bhayani)
Stylish Shazahn Padamsee during the premiere of the Hollywood movie 'Hansel & Gretel 3D', held at PVR Cinema in Mumbai on January 30, 2013. (Pic: Viral Bhayani)
Shazahn Padamsee with Rajat Barmecha during the premiere of the Hollywood movie 'Hansel & Gretel 3D', held at PVR Cinema in Mumbai on January 30, 2013. (Pic: Viral Bhayani)
(L-R) Rajiv Laxman, Ranvijay Singh and Raghu Ram get into the combat mood during the premiere of the Hollywood movie 'Hansel & Gretel 3D', held at PVR Cinema in Mumbai on January 30, 2013. (Pic: Viral Bhayani)
Bubbly actress Adah Sharma during the premiere of the Hollywood movie 'Hansel & Gretel 3D', held at PVR Cinema in Mumbai on January 30, 2013. (Pic: Viral Bhayani)
VJ, actor Ranvijay Singh poses for the camera during the premiere of the Hollywood movie 'Hansel & Gretel 3D', held at PVR Cinema in Mumbai on January 30, 2013. (Pic: Viral Bhayani)
(L-R) 'Rodies' team, Ranvijay Singh, Bani and Raghu Ram during the premiere of the Hollywood movie 'Hansel & Gretel 3D', held at PVR Cinema in Mumbai on January 30, 2013. (Pic: Viral Bhayani)
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