Gautam Gambhir during a starry wedding reception for Mrinal Khatri and Bharti, hosted by Vinod Khatri in the city.
Zarine Khan shows her moves during a starry wedding reception for Mrinal Khatri and Bharti, hosted by Vinod Khatri in the city.
Vinod Khatri hosted a starry wedding reception for Mrinal Khatri and Bharti.
Mrinal and Bharti Khatri during their starry wedding reception, hosted by Vinod Khatri in the city.
Monika during a starry wedding reception for Mrinal Khatri and Bharti, hosted by Vinod Khatri in the city.
Punjabi rapper Honey Singh gets groovy during a starry wedding reception for Mrinal Khatri and Bharti, hosted by Vinod Khatri in the city.
Harbir and Anita Khatri during a starry wedding reception for Mrinal Khatri and Bharti, hosted by Vinod Khatri in the city.
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