Horse show held by Gujarat police at Football ground beside Kankaria Lakefront as apart of carnival 2012.
Horse show held by Gujarat police at Football ground beside Kankaria Lakefront as apart of carnival 2012.
Horse show held by Gujarat police at Football ground beside Kankaria Lakefront as apart of carnival 2012.
Horse show held by Gujarat police at Football ground beside Kankaria Lakefront as apart of carnival 2012.
Horse show held by Gujarat police at Football ground beside Kankaria Lakefront as apart of carnival 2012.
Horse show held by Gujarat police at Football ground beside Kankaria Lakefront as apart of carnival 2012.
Dog show held by Gujart police at Kankaria carnival held in Ahmedabad.
Girl poses with a dog during a dog show held by Gujart police at Kankaria Lakefront as apart of carnival 2012
Dog show held by Gujart police at Kankaria Lakefront as apart of carnival 2012
Visitors viewing Dog show held by Gujart police at Kankaria Lakefront as apart of carnival 2012
Horse show held by Gujarat police at Football ground beside Kankaria Lakefront as apart of carnival 2012.
Horse show held by Gujarat police at Football ground beside Kankaria Lakefront as apart of carnival 2012.
Horse show held by Gujarat police at Football ground beside Kankaria Lakefront as apart of carnival 2012.
Visitors viewing Dog show held by Gujart police at Kankaria Lakefront as apart of carnival 2012
Visitors viewing Dog show held by Gujart police at Kankaria Lakefront as apart of carnival 2012.
Horse show held by Gujarat police at Football ground beside Kankaria Lakefront as apart of carnival 2012.
Visiters watching flowers exhibited at Kankaria carnival held in Ahmedabad.
Kids try different games at Kankaria carnival held in Ahmedabad.
Kid tries different games at Kankaria carnival held in Ahmedabad.
Dog show held by Gujart police at Kankaria carnival held in Ahmedabad.
Dog show held by Gujart police at Kankaria carnival held in Ahmedabad.
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